What is DevOps, and How Can it Benefit Your Company?

Reading time: 4 minutes DevOps combines two methodologies: software development and IT operations. It is also a combination of practices, tools, and cultural philosophies that advance timelines by removing silos, merging teams into a single unit working toward a common goal. By applying DevOps principles, we combine resources across teams...

Pros and Cons of Hiring Offshore Developers

Reading time: 4 minutes Every decision you’ll make in business comes with its fair share of pros and cons. Today, let’s break down the benefits and concerns you need to consider when hiring offshore developers for your software development needs. Outsourcing vs. Offshore/Nearshore Staffing: What’s The Difference? In a software...

How to Maintain Quality with a Remote Workforce

Reading time: 4 minutes Managing a remote workforce can be intimidating. After all, how are you supposed to maintain oversight when you can’t even see or meet with your staff most of the time? This is a very valid concern, one that’s shared by more and more managers these days...

Is Outsourcing IT Right for Your Company?

Reading time: 6 minutes To outsource or not to outsource: that is the question.As of 2020, Statista says that the global market size of outsourced services totaled an astonishing $92.5 billion. One only has to follow the money to see where it leads: an already massive market for outsourced services...